Hi, welcome to join the Art & Culture (Museums) On The Web Community Group!

Dear Art & Culture (Museums) On The Web Community Group participants, 


Someone need to take care of the art and cultural heritage/content on the
Web for human society, right? 

And thank you for joining this effort! 


My name is Anqi Li, Manager of W3C China Host. Please allow me to provide
some brief background for this initiative. 

The Spring W3C Advisory Committee Meeting was held in Beijing in April this
year. Part of the Chinese Web community who usually don't travel much for
the W3C events in other parts of the world got the opportunity to watch W3C
activities closely via a series of co-events W3C organized. One important
feedback we heard from them about W3C and its work was a question, is W3C
doing anything for a higher need, e.g. the art? The Web as the largest
information distribution platform should make itself available and friendly
for the art and cultural heritage of the entire humankind, more specifically
the artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or
scientific importance in the museums in the globe. And BTW, you do have the
basic technologies that can support it. The thing is, what's missing and
what needs to be done? 

That is a great point and question. I led a breakout session on this topic
during TPAC early this month to collect input from W3C global community. The
breakout session talked about the related Web technologies and did some
initial some gap analysis. And consensus were reached that we should
continue the conversation within a community group and a Wiki page [1] was
set up recoding the progress.  

So here we are today in this community group J 


To quote Robert, a group participant, participation in the group is a great
opportunity to ensure that the web architectural design and infrastructure
recognizes the and supports the value that our organizations collectively
bring, and a venue for reaching out to non-CH organizations that share our
values or can support our missions. 

And I would appreciate your input for the next steps in this exploration.

1)       where should we carry on the discussion, github, wiki, mailing

2)       Would you like to have regular/irregular teleconfs? 

3)       Next steps for the tech work, related W3C activities review, call
for use cases/requirements, gap analysis, technical idea proposals, etc

4)       Group promotion for boarder global participation? 

5)       A chair or co-chairs for this group?


Look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions. 


[1] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Art%26CultureOnTheWeb 






Anqi Li 

Manager of W3C China Host & W3C Global Participation Lead

Beihang University, No.37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Phone: 86-10-82316341  Cell:86-13810176889 



Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 07:58:20 UTC