Re: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

Regrets today.

When: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM February 18, 2025
Subject: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference



### Setup and Review Agenda

Start at 11:00 -- 5 minutes.

* Any requests for change to agenda?
* Next meeting: February 25

### Publication planning

* Feb 25 publication: [2025-02 February 2025 APG publication pull requests Milestone](
* Discuss postponing to make more time for PR 2991.

### PR 2991 - Practice Page for Supporting color settings

* Discuss the structure of the forced colors section.
* Need a summary of key points.
* Is it the case that using native HTML means that contrast themes will automatically work well? We don't explicitly say so.
* If system colors are the most robust approach for custom elements, should that be discussed before currentColor?
* Discuss Adam's suggestion about nested CSS.
* [Add Practice Page for Supporting color settings by mcking65 · Pull Request #2991 · w3c/aria-practices](

### Issue 3232 - rowgroup for table body

* [Do not use \`rowgroup\` role for table body · Issue #3232 · w3c/aria-practices](

### Issue 3238 - Hover moving focus in menus

[Menu pattern: moving focus on hover often triggers problematic focus jumps · Issue #3238 · w3c/aria-practices](

Joining Instructions:

Joining Instructions

### Dial in via Phone
* [One-tap dial (San Jose)](tel:+16699006833,,89658097875#)
* [International Phone Numbers](
* Meeting ID: 896-5809-7875
* Meeting Password: 155957

### Join chat on IRC
* Server:
* Channel: #aria-apg


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Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2025 18:51:20 UTC