Re: Event Updated: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

Conflict came up and won’t be able to attend. Was hoping though someone familiar with the select-only combo-box example could help me with a better solution for this pr:

From: Matthew King (W3C Calendar) <>
Date: Monday, July 10, 2023 at 2:38 PM
To: Ariella Gilmore <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Event Updated: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference
View this event in your browser ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference Upcoming Confirmed 11 July 2023, 13: 00 -14: 00 America/Chicago Event is recurring weekly on Tuesday, starting from 2023-05-09, until 2023-12-30 ARIA Authoring
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ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference Upcoming Confirmed

11 July 2023, 13:00 -14:00 America/Chicago

Event is recurring weekly on Tuesday, starting from 2023-05-09, until 2023-12-30
ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force <>

Setup and Review Agenda

Start at 11:00 -- 5 minutes.

  *   Any requests for change to agenda?
  *   No meeting on July 18
  *   Next meeting: July 25, 2023

Status of Site Updates

Changes currently queued for next publication (date TBD):

  *   PR 2724: Example Pages: Change Javascript to JavaScript in h2 elements by mcking65<>
  *   PR2680: Skipto menu on all pages: Update skipto.js script to version 5.1.6 by jongund<>
  *   PR2722: Checkbox Example (Mixed-State): Toggle on keyup to prevent continuous toggling by sivakusayan<>
  *   PR2733: Combobox Pattern: Simplify wording of description in "About This Pattern" section by mcking65<>

On hold: issue 2535 -- Same level navigation on Single Pattern and Single Practice pages<>?

Pull request reviews

  *   PR2729: Feed Example: Convert images to inline SVG by frozenzia<>
  *   PR 2622: Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified by jongund<>
  *   PR 2738: Landmark Example Pages: remove background colours that cause color contrast failures by jnurthen<>
  *   PR2736: Add AT Support tables for modal dialog, 1 slider, and navigation menu button by mcking65<>
  *   PR2737: Reposition AT support tables higher on the page by mcking65<>
  *   PR 2723: Select-only Combobox Example: Fix scroll event listener bug by ariellalgilmore<>
  *   Open pull requests without label "Dependencies"<>

Running tests on macOS

  *   Based on last discussion, decide on action plan
  *   Issue 2735: Regression tests fail on macOS due to Windows-based assumptions<>
  *   Discovered by Paul Brown while working on a PR for issue 2628 - Feed Display Example Broken Star Images<>

New contributing page

Looking for volunteer to complete draft of a new page about contributing to the APG.

  *   Draft PR with starting content is already available.
  *   PR2734: About Section: Add a page about contributing and APG TF membership by mcking65<>
  *   Related issue 2706: About Section: Add page about contributing with information on joining the group, group communication, and learning how to contribute<>

Is treegrid Example code able to support nested selects

  *   Stephanie Leary submitted PR with intent to enable treegrid to include nested selects
  *   Add <select> to treegrid's focusable element list by stephanieleary · Pull Request #2741 · w3c/aria-practices<>
  *   Given the way the treegrid example is coded, would this change break keyboard navigation?

New Issue Action Planning

  *   New issues<>

Joining Instructions
Join the meeting <>
Dial in via Phone

  *   One-tap dial (San Jose)<tel:+16699006833,,569598690>
  *   International Phone Numbers<>
  *   Meeting ID: 569-598-690
  *   Meeting Password: 436600

Join chat on IRC

  *   Server:
  *   Channel: #aria-apg


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  *   ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force<> (View Calendar<>)

Report feedback and issues on GitHub<>.
To stop receiving these emails please update your calendar preferences<>.

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 18:09:51 UTC