[en] Patterns - Image Caption [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]

Hi W3C team,

I believe a pattern for image captions should be beneficial

Below is what I believe is correct markup.
   <img src="beach.jpg" alt="Alternative Text" style="width:100%">
   <figcaption>Figure 1 - Caption Text</figcaption>

Below are some additional information that could assist when writing up this pattern/topic

  *   Alt text, captions and titles for images | Style Manual<https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/content-types/images/alt-text-captions-and-titles-images#:~:text=Alt%20text%2C%20captions%20and%20titles%20for%20images%201,...%205%20Number%20titles%20in%20long%20documents%20>
  *   HTML Add Captions to Images | Delft Stack<https://www.delftstack.com/howto/html/html-caption-image/#:~:text=HTML%20has%20a%20specific%20tag%20used%20to%20insert,two%20new%20elements%20introduced%20as%20tags%20in%20HTML5.>

Kind Regards,
Christos Petrou, Accessibility Assessor
[Services Australia  servicesaustralia.gov.au    Follow us on facebook.com/ServicesAustralia  Follow us on Twitter @ServicesGovAU]
I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands we live on. I pay my respects to all Elders, past and present, of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations

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Received on Friday, 21 October 2022 07:36:06 UTC