RE: Tomorrow - APG meeting agenda on May 24, 2022

Hi everyone,

Here are the minutes for today's meeting<>. Lots of issues to triage, phew!

Have a great week everyone, talk to you soon.
Mark McCarthy, MSIM<>, IADP<>, CPWA<> (He/Him<>)
Senior Accessibility Engineer | AITS IT Accessibility Liaison
Instructor, Information Accessibility Design & Policy<>
If you need any accommodations in order to fully participate in any meetings with me, please let me know.
217-300-3408<mailto:217-300-3408> |<>
I do not check my email after 6pm CDT, on weekends, or US holidays. Next Out of Office: 5/27 PM
"The world could always use more heroes!"
[University of Illinois System Office]

From: Ku, JaEun Jemma <>
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 9:11 AM
Subject: Tomorrow - APG meeting agenda on May 24, 2022

Hi all,

Here is the meeting agenda for tomorrow.

  1.  Meeting Agenda:,-2022-Agenda<,-2022-Agenda__;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5EqvwtDq6w$>

  *   We will focus on the triage of new APG site issues

  1.  Meeting information: Time: 11 AM - 12 PM, US Pacific Time, Tuesday

     *   Duration: 60min
     *   IRC server:, port: 6665, channel: #aria-apg
     *   Call Details: ARIA APG Meeting info <;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5Eq-krby0g$> (Password required to access the page)

Talk to you all tomorrow.


JaEun Jemma Ku
Ph.D., MIS, PMP, ADAC, DHS Section 508 Trusted Tester
Director of IT Accessibility
Co-editor of W3C ARIA APG<;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5Eqhv9x9mU$>

Office for Access and Equity <;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5EqUPqHVNI$> and Technology Solutions<;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5EqLPNhHr0$>
University of Illinois Chicago<;!!DZ3fjg!98mkSaxTIMkV1f1OpxpPKJD37Tb9_WonfF4kfFHc36lCvLJqExXifNMs3Tqtv3BwsAMPC5Eq0caBQYc$>

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 19:03:18 UTC