RE: APG meeting agenda for August 23, 2022

Hello everyone,

Here are the minutes from today's meeting.

Have a great week, talk to everyone soon!
Mark McCarthy, MSIM<>, IADP<>, CPWA<> (He/Him<>)
Sr. Accessibility Engineer | AITS IT Accessibility Liaison
Instructor, AHS 494 Information Accessibility Design & Policy<>

If you need any accommodations in order to fully participate in any meetings with me, please let me know.
217-300-3408<mailto:217-300-3408> |<>
I do not check my email after 6pm CDT, on weekends, or US holidays. Next Out of Office:
“The world could always use more heroes!”
[University of Illinois System Office]

From: Ku, JaEun Jemma <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 1:48 AM
Subject: APG meeting agenda for August 23, 2022

Hi all,

The meeting minute shows that the group has meaningful discussion on keyboard support for select only combo box and multi-select list box.
The agenda for the August 23, 2022 meeting will focus on new issue action planning<*3Aissue*is*3Aopen*created*3A*3E2021-08-15*no*3Alabel**Asort*3Aupdated-desc__;JSslKyUlKyUrKyU!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnARQpoKw_0$> after the brief check-in for APG restructuring project.

  1.  Agenda:,-2022-Agenda<,-2022-Agenda__;!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnARpZ_-M_w$>

  1.  Meeting information:

  *   Time: 11 AM – 12 PM, US Pacific Time, Tuesday

     *   Duration: 60min
     *   IRC server:, port: 6665, channel: #aria-apg
     *   Call Details: ARIA APG Meeting info <;!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnARGdNGFg8$> (Password required to access the page)


JaEun Jemma Ku, Ph.D.
Director of IT Accessibility
Co-editor of W3C ARIA Authoring Practice Guide<*3A*2F**2FWAI*2FARIA*2Fapg*2F&data=05*7C01*7Cjku**7C32ee32ff4f234adef89508da7eddd823*7Ce202cd477a564baa99e3e3b71a7c77dd*7C0*7C0*7C637961788531347323*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=iRYj9nPYy6TOEsSRO3OWnYRsjZds2VBwxIJ4lvwJQqE*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnAR9WXvsIk$>
W3C Advisory Committee Representative

Office for Access and Equity <;!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnAR9kJSGko$> and Technology Solutions<;!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnARmGRyLus$>
University of Illinois Chicago<;!!DZ3fjg!9IVdUqNtsWdEOwL0cHkENPL_CoU5IiDpTZlNegn3Ubl98bIVs8tVcblUAMypN_AOL0rxAnARLEiv9t4$>

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 19:10:32 UTC