Re: 90 Minute meeting on Monday to prep for shipping release 2

I can attend and scribe but only for the first 60 minutes.

Kind Regards,

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 5:52 PM, Matt King <> wrote:

> Hey All,
> Crunch time … our goal is shipping release 2 this month … or at least
> having it ready by end of month. We have quite a few good updates that are
> done or almost done and a few bugs left to squash. This is all stuff worth
> getting from the editor’s draft into the official version.
> I’d like to extend the meeting on Monday to 90 minutes. The goal is to
> resolve open questions on issues we will close in release 2. Reviewing and
> catching up on issues ahead of the meeting will help.
> Following is the status of the 8 remaining open bugs in the release 2
> milestone. Please review and chip in where you can. Tomorrow I will send an
> update on the new pattern work.
> 396: Navigation Menu Button Examples: Unreachable code in
> PopupMenuLinks.js
> Assigned to Jon.
> Waiting on pull request from Jon.
> 588: Menu Button Examples: Shift+Tab from menu does not close menu
> Had a volunteer in Jan; I pinged in the issue in June 12; no response yet.
> Need someone to grab the issue and code a fix.
> 451: When focus is in a menubar, shouldn't escape close any open submenus?
> Need help verifying this problem. I think it is fixed in the editor
> menubar. In the navigation menubar, it's hard to test this issue with a
> screen reader.
> 592: Navigation Menubar Example: parent menuitems should contain the
> `menu` element that contains the items in their submenu
> Jon made PR with proposed fix. Matt proposed different approach.
> Waiting on input from Bryan, then either Matt will decide if he can
> specify what's needed from Jon or put it on Monday's agenda.
> 559: ARIA 1.0 Combobox Examples: Escape key does not behave correctly when
> focus is in the textbox
> Assigned to Jon.
> Waiting on pull request from Jon.
> 568: Keyboard focus styling of radio button examples
> Assigned to Jon. Evan says changes to CSS in Jon's pr look good. I'd like
> to merge before Monday.
> Waiting on additional input from either James or Michiel.
> Best,
> Matt

Received on Friday, 15 June 2018 00:47:32 UTC