RE: Options for fixing the problem with Firefox and menu button



When the menu is open and space or enter is pressed, we aren’t changing the value of aria-expanded, we are removing the aria-expanded attribute, right?


Are you sure this isn’t an event propagation issue? I suspect something like that because by default, space generates a click event on buttons but enter does not.


To test my theory, you could change your code that manipulates aria-expanded to some arbitrary property, aria-pressed or even aria-describedby=”xyz”, and you might still have the problem.




From: Gunderson, Jon R [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 6:06 AM
To: Matt King <>;
Subject: Options for fixing the problem with Firefox and menu button




The problem with Firefox is related to changing the state of aria-expanded on the menu button when the menu button is a BUTTON element.  For some reason when you change the value of aria-expanded it generates an onclick event on the BUTTON element which in the case  opens the menu.   But this only seems to happen when the SPACE key is pressed, not for any other key and only if the BUTTON element is used for the menu button.   If we use anything other than button the problem goes away for Firefox.


Two options to fix the problem:

1. Don't use the BUTTON element for the menu button

2. Don't use the aria-expanded on the menu button 


What do you think we should do?



Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2017 17:56:53 UTC