Re: ARIA Editors meeting minutes, 2023-03-03

Hi everyone,

Below are the minutes for today's call.


## ARIA editors, 2023-03-03

present:  spectranaut, daniel, jamesn, pkra
regrets: mattking, scotto

pkra: do we use zakim for agenda & minutes or just plain chat?
... just plain notes it is

pkra: new to organizing this TF
... can't reliably make it on this time slot
... will ask for new times
Daniel: same for me
james: scotto Fridays best? I'll ping him

james: for aria, we take calendar as tentative
  then confirm to make it happen
  the editors meeting is set as confirmed

pkra:  can we do that?
daniel: yes
... should get some updates maybe
... maybe invite DPUB aria editors?
daniel: will do

pkra: revisit agenda from Dec 9
.. first: WAI site checkin
daniel: builds should work again
... but keep an eye on it
pkra: next Security / privacy sections for AAMs
valerie: security done
jnurthen: separate security & privacy needs to happen for 1.3 and all others
pkra: next: Testing check-in
valerie: mostly core-aam test for 1.2
... but working on cross-platform / browser test suite
... for ARIA / a11y API
... alex zurkov and valerie suggested redesigned test suite
... want: node c++ plugin for easier test writing
... some work
... so we have test suite but feels like wrong direction
... so now re-writing as node plugin
daniel: last minute comments by philip for 1.2
... some 404
... nothing major
pkra: ok. that wraps Dec 9 follow ups.

pkra: michael had shared (potential) work items for the group. Let's review?
... first: Prioritize and tackle editorial issues filed in our repos
... obviously
pkra: Get the latest testing procedures documented and all ARIA editors
trained on the tools
pkra: next: Set up tools to maintain code quality and consistency
... prettier, code linting,
jnurthen: automatic link checking, too
pkra: anne's issue related?
jnurthen: no, don't think we ever had link checks
daniel: nothing from w3c
jnurthen: look at what thye do
pkra: anything for blocking PRs
valerie: PR 1872
pkra: did review
... also: maybe remove wiki? Move the three last updated docs into main
repo? Clean up old pages.
jnurthen: yes!!!
valerie: sounds good
pkra: let's split the work
pkra: next Complete the transition to generated changelogs
... don't remember where we are here
jnurthen: need better discpline on PR merges / commit messages
valerie: case where jcraig wanted commit messages to reflect better what he
... but they got cobbled together
pkra:  I tend to replace the squasehd message by top card. should I not?
jnurthen: it would be very good to get to this long term
pkra: ok, so the task is to come up with a technique and try to adopt it
jnurthen: look at respec functions; I have a branch where I played with
regular expressions to ignore them
pkra: I think it's a long game, not 1.3 but start now so by 1.4 it's easy
jnurthen: then we can still partially generate for 1.3
pkra: next: Change the spec cross references code to not require
configuration in each spec's respec config
jnurthen: aria specs as a suite, each has a section which is the "current"
version of other specs
... unclear how well this works
... most specs go to evergreen, so possibly less important
... resepc config shows this
... aria.js uses this for xref, aref, pref etc
pkra: next: Build support for automatic cross references to ARIA Practices
... from ARIA? all the specs?
jnurthen: ARIA; it would be great
pkra: next: Fix the terms filtering
jnurthen: no longer necessary. went away
pkra: next: Coordinate liaison with OpenUI CG
... still scotto, right?
jnurthen: yes, inofficial

pkra:  anything else from the group?
valerie: maybe automatically log discussion to issues?
jnurthen: maybe david baron will change bot...
... my issue
daniel: can bert's bot help?
jnurthen: we spoke at tpac
... zakim, agenda bot, github bot
... bert responded on thread

jnurthen: scotto writes that same time works mondays and tuesdays
... WAI coordination 8:30 Pacific
valerie: conflict every other monday
pkra: ok, next meeting Monday, March 20 -- then bi-weekly after that?
... probably conflicts due to CSUN
... if full on conflicts, then we can revisit

Am Fr., 3. März 2023 um 17:56 Uhr schrieb Matthew King <>:

> Unfortunately I have a conflict today.
> *From:* Peter Krautzberger <>
> *Sent:* Friday, March 3, 2023 8:46 AM
> *To:* ARIA Editors <>
> *Subject:* ARIA Editors meeting, 2023-03-03
> Hi everyone, Sorry for not writing sooner since I just took over this week
> The meeting is scheduled as usual. In terms of agenda, I'd like to start by
> gathering lingering items. I would also like to discuss moving the meeting
> to a different
> Hi everyone,
> Sorry for not writing sooner since I just took over this week
> The meeting is scheduled as usual.
> In terms of agenda, I'd like to start by gathering lingering items.
> I would also like to discuss moving the meeting to a different time slot.
> See you in a bit,
> Peter.

Received on Friday, 3 March 2023 18:50:37 UTC