Re: ARIA editors meeting agenda 2023-06-26

I'm so sorry to say I'm missing this meeting because of passport drama 
(I accidentally destroyed mine and will be driving very far to apply for 
a new one on Monday).

So a few updates/questions for you all, when you meet:

1. All the links are broken in core-aam, I dug into it, but I guess 
Michael's changed caused it?

2. Please do take a look at my PR to remove the mapping tables. If you 
have ideas about how to include a "self-link" to the role or attribute 
summary, let me know (for example,

Have a nice weekend, ya'll!


On 6/23/23 13:05, Peter Krautzberger wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> For the next meeting, let's continue the discussion around marking up 
> advice for AT in the specs.
> There's also Valerie's PR for replacing the mapping tables in the AAMs 
> (core-aam#180) to look at.
> Let me know what else you'd like to put on the agenda.
> Have a good weekend,
> Peter.

Received on Saturday, 24 June 2023 00:48:45 UTC