Re: wiki in the ARIA repository

Thanks, Valerie!

Before yesterday's meeting, James had some interest in keeping archival
copies for interested people.

I'm of two minds here; I think archives are important but I also think it
can be problematic to have outdated, official looking documents around.

But maybe in practice it's not a big deal -- most wiki pages have moved
into the spec (e.g., 1.2 and 1.3 planning, annotation draft).

@james can you take a look at what documents you'd find of interest to

The pages that struck me as still interesting: css-aam, non-modal dialogs,
attribute parity, test separation.


Am Do., 20. Apr. 2023 um 22:25 Uhr schrieb Valerie Young <>:

> Hey Peter,
> I deleted the pages I moved to the "documentation" folder and update the
> links on the main wiki page to point to the documentation folder instead
> of the (now deleted) wiki pages.
> Also I found another documentation like page and deleted it, as
> everything was covered.
> Also I noticed there was an IRC cheat cheat being pointed to and move
> that document, see:
> Every other page (except the ARIA F2F page) I have no opinion on!
> Val
> On 4/20/23 01:38, Peter Krautzberger wrote:
> > Hi editors,
> >
> > I was looking at again today.
> >
> > I believe we decided that all stale wiki pages can be deleted and all
> > long term documents would move to the folder "documentation" in the
> > main repository.
> >
> > I checked that the git repository will keep deleted pages safe in its
> > history - but there's no UI for looking up deleted pages.
> >
> > Could everyone please take a quick look if you have anything you want
> > to move to the documentation folder? In that case, please add a
> > comment to a page that you want to preserve.
> >
> > If I don't hear anything, I'll start deleting pages.
> >
> > Best,
> > Peter.

Received on Friday, 21 April 2023 10:11:11 UTC