Re: Agenda ARIA Editors 20 April 2016

On 2016-04-19 11:12 AM, Michael Cooper wrote:
> Script versions and central repository update

I had an action regarding the version of jQuery that the details/summary
polyfill requires [1].  According to its documentation [2], it requires
jQuery 1.9+.  I checked the w3c javacript repository [3], and it has a
jQuery 2.1 and 2.1.4 that could be used.

The version of the polyfill itself in the aria common scripts folder is
slightly different that the latest release.  The polyfill documents
itself as v0.1.1, which is the latest release; but, Jason made a fork of
that version, and that is what we are using [4].

In terms of adding the details/summary plugin to W3C's repository, it
has a MIT/GPL dual licence.  I'll leave it to those who know W3C policy
to determine if there are licencing/distro issues.  It's likely fine.

Finally, in terms of the version of jQuery that our TR documents are
using: it's a mixed bag.  The Core-aam, and Accname-aam released
17-Mar-2016 are using the wrong version of jQuery (1.11) with respect to
the requirements of the polyfill.  As far as I can tell, the add-on
works, but I haven't done exhaustive testing, and I wouldn't be
surprised if it were failing for some.  The SVG-aam (19-Nov-2016) and
HTML-aam (03-Dec-2015) are using version 1.90 of jQuery, so they should
be okay.

CCing Jason Kiss for any insights.






'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
                 - C. Carter -

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 16:02:35 UTC