Re: Event Updated: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference

 Hi Group,

I won't be in the meeting today however, I see the status of the poll as an
agenda item so I can give an async update. The poll has 6 respondents, the
highest ranking options all have 3 votes and are:

   - Mondays at 12pm PT
   - Tuesdays at 10am PT
   - Weds at 9am PT

As agreed last week the poll will close next Tuesday and I'll be sending
out a reminder today just to make sure folks get a chance to vote. The
results can be viewed in this spreadsheet

In regards to a decision target date, my preference is for as soon as
realistically possible. I'm not sure what process the group had last year
in the event of a tie, but if we do need to send out another poll, I think
there should be stipulations on how many votes each person has and also
shorten the timeline to vote.



On February 22, 2024, "Matthew King (W3C Calendar)" <>

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ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference
Upcoming Confirmed

22 February 2024, 12:00 -13:00 America/Los_Angeles

Event is recurring every other week on Thursday, starting from 2024-01-25,
until 2024-12-31
ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

Weekly meeting focused primarily on generating ARIA-AT reports via manual
testing. Alternates between an earlier Wednesday time one week and later
Thursday time the next.
Agenda <> Review
agenda and next meeting dates

   - Next meeting: February 28
   - Requests for changes to agenda?

Automation subgroup meeting planning

   - Status of pole?
   - Decision target date?

Set schedule for toggle and dialog

   1. Toggle button plan: set date to resolve issue 1031
   2. Schedule for refactor and review of dialog test plan
   3. Radio on hold until resolution of issue 1039

Review proposal for test format V2 enhancement

Enhance V2 test format to allow 0 priority assertions in tests.csv · Issue
#1039 · w3c/aria-at <>

   1. Review problem statement
   2. Finalize solution plan
   3. Set schedule

  Joining Instructions

Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to log in
to see them.
  Participants Groups

   - ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group
   <> (View Calendar

Report feedback and issues on GitHub <>.

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2024 18:36:38 UTC