ARIA AT Video Demo

Last week we discussed what the new demo of the ARIA-AT intro video should
be. The minutes are here:

We decided that the demo should be an APG select only combo box, and passed
that on to Leo Kinsler, the director, to get editorial direction.

The director suggested we make the demo a doctors appointment site where
you are picking your reasons for being seen. (For example: What are you
scheduling an appointment for? Drop down: new condition, existing
condition, medical exemption, etc).

Does anyone have any +1s to give this idea, or changes you'd like to say?

We'll incorporate any feedback we get then move forward with implementation
this week.

Boaz Sender
He / Him
*My normal emailing hours might not be yours. Don't feel obligated to
respond if you receive this at an odd time.*

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 00:59:00 UTC