RE: ARIA-AT Community Group Meeting today, December 9, 2021

Hello all,


Today we welcomed new community group members, Alaina Birney and Richard Steinberg, and discussed common causes for variation in test results among different testers and how testers can provide the most useful feedback for the test writing team. 


Thank you to Alaina for capturing minutes of our discussion, which are available here:





From: Matt King <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2021 11:22 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: ARIA-AT Community Group Meeting today, December 9, 2021


The ARIA-AT community group meeting will be held today, December 9, at 15:00 Eastern Time.


People who have been or would like to start running manual screen reader tests are encouraged to join. In today’s meeting, we will discuss what we have learned about how to run tests from our recent work to publish candidate reports. We will also discuss our next milestones for generating reports for screen reader developers.


Join the Zoom call from Windows, macOS, iOS, Android or Linux:

To connect manually, including by phone:
Meeting ID: 924 8794 9223
Passcode: 071900

One tap mobile:
Houston: +13462487799,,92487949223#
San Jose: +16699006833,,92487949223#
Other locations:

If you have problems joining from a Zoom application or phoneline, you can also participate via a web browser albeit with limited functionality.  Use the same join link above but select the "web client" option.

In-meeting chat, including minutes and relevant links, will take place on IRC.  To join using a client:
irc:// <> 

You can also access the channel via the W3C's Public IRC web client:

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems accessing the meeting and related resources.


Matt King


Received on Friday, 10 December 2021 07:33:23 UTC