Re: New member would love a primer

Hi Matthew,
No no need to ask for forgiveness, our onboarding process is not intuitive.

Meetings are announced on this list every week. Agenda items are added by
github issues on the w3c/aria-at repo with the agenda+ tag. Minutes are
published after each meeting and a link is sent to this list.

We're working on having a better onboarding experience. Sorry about the

Boaz Sender
He / Him
*My normal emailing hours might not be yours. Don't feel obligated to
respond if you receive this at an odd time.*

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 10:52 PM Matthew Kreiling <> wrote:

> Thank you Jon and Boaz!
> Forgive my ignorance and slow response. Where do I see scheduled meetings?
> I appreciate your summary of the group's goals and methods. I have many
> ideas and questions, but I think I would love to do some reading and some
> lurking to avoid taking up anybody's time.
> What are some good things to read or places to lurk to understand the
> context and challenges of this particular group?
> Jon,
> I work for Washington State, but my hibernating freelance business may be
> a "member" only if being registered on the Wordpress site means it is a W3C
> member.
> Boaz,
> I greatly appreciate your email signature. Mine would be similar - "My
> normal emailing hours are few and far between..."
> Thanks again,
> *Matthew Kreiling*
> We're all in it together.
> 360-545-3116
> *"To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else."*
> —Emily Dickinson
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 10:02 AM Boaz Sender <> wrote:
>> Welcome Matthew!
>> --
>> Boaz Sender
>> He / Him
>> UTC-8
>> *My normal emailing hours might not be yours. Don't feel obligated to
>> respond if you receive this at an odd time.*
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 6:49 AM Gunderson, Jon R <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Matthew,
>>> Welcome to the group and your interest in improving how assistive
>>> technology uses ARIA markup.
>>> The goal of the group is to provide feedback to Assistive Technology
>>> companies, primarily screen readers right now, on how their current use of
>>> ARIA information effects the user experience and to help web development
>>> teams understand the current state of how ARIA markup actually effects the
>>> experience of screen reader users using coding examples from the ARIA
>>> Authoring Practices (APG).
>>> The group is developing test cases using the APG examples and expected
>>> results on screen readers interacting with the examples in browse and
>>> interactive modes.
>>> The group will help define gaps in the usage of ARIA information or
>>> inconsistencies between browse and interactive modes.
>>> Hope this helps, are you able to attend the meeting today?
>>> Is your company a W3C member?
>>> Jon
>>> *From:* Matthew Kreiling <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 28, 2021 8:49 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* New member would love a primer
>>> Hello,
>>> I just signed up for the group in my capacity as a front-end developer
>>> with a strong interest in accessibility.
>>> I have been developing for about 11 years, the last 6 of them designing
>>> and developing components, primarily in the Vue framework for a large state
>>> government agency (WA State Dept. of Labor and Industries).
>>> I think I can contribute to these efforts if I could absorb some
>>> background and understand what types of gaps I might be able to help bridge.
>>> Would anyone be able to point me towards some conversations or otherwise
>>> help me understand the background, outcomes, goals, vision, and challenges
>>> of this group?
>>> Thanks!
>>> *Matthew Kreiling*
>>> We're all in it together.
>>> 360-545-3116
>>> *"To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else."*
>>> —Emily Dickinson

Received on Friday, 6 August 2021 14:22:29 UTC