Re: ARIA-AT call - Wednesday 2020-06-17

Minutes of the meeting are attached. The minute URL was not working.

[14:24] <Matt_King> zakim, take up item 1
[14:24] <Zakim> agendum 1. "Schedule" taken up [from michael_fairchild]
[14:25] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I need to catch up on some other
projects, so I'm going on a meeting diet for the next few months.
[14:26] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I'd like to suggest that we have a
lighter meeting schedule over the next few week. And I'd like to stagger my
W3C meetings for the next few months.
[14:27] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: are others open to taking a break in
the meeting schedule for a bit?
[14:27] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I'll be on vacation for the next
few weeks.
[14:27] <michael_fairchild> michael_fairchild: I'm okay with taking a break
[14:28] <rob_fentress> Next 2 weeks.  I'll be back the week of the 5th
[14:28] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I know Michael had a concern that we
have a lot of momentum right now, and you don't want to lose that momentum
[14:29] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I'm not very concerned about losing
steam at the moment as long as people come back energized with more time on
their plate
[14:29] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I don't have a specific proposal,
other than skipping some meetings. I don't want to move the meeting time.
[14:30] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: does this time still work for
[14:30] <michael_fairchild> (no response)
[14:30] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: sounds like it isn't a problem, at
least for the folks that are here
[14:31] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I'd like to schedule a meeting for
June 30th and July 14th.
[14:31] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: and July 28th
[14:32] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: correction, July 1, 15, and 29
[14:32] <michael_fairchild> michael_fairchild: sounds good
[14:32] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I'm okay with that
[14:33] <michael_fairchild> Zakim, take up item 2
[14:33] <Zakim> agendum 2. "Resolving test conflicts and publishing draft
results" taken up [from michael_fairchild]
[14:34] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: there is only one draft report
published at the moment due to test conflicts and incomplete tests
[14:35] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: priorities: publish draft reports,
resolve conflicts, and developing additional tests
[14:36] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: another thing that we could do is
focus on documentation, especially around writing tests. But we can do that
while working on tests
[14:36] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: another area could be engagement
with screen reader developers
[14:37] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I did talk with Bocoup about brining
someone on full time to write tests
[14:39] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: are those three priorities where we
(the CG) thinks that we can contribute to over the next few months.
[14:39] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: yes
[14:39] <michael_fairchild> michael_fairchild: yes
[14:39] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: Rob, do you feel comfortable writing
[14:39] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I'd like to wait a little while
[14:40] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: what are the things that would most
help you get there?
[14:40] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: to be honest, I'm not sure what
is there already (in terms of documentation)
[14:40] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I think the mechanics part of that
is fairly simple. It's just a CSV.
[14:41] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: the part that I wonder the most
about is coming up with the assertions and instructions
[14:41] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I could maybe start with the
button example
[14:41] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: what's the timeline?
[14:42] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: we haven't discussed that yet, but
we will work on that in the next meeting
[14:42] <michael_fairchild> Zakim, take up item 3
[14:42] <Zakim> agendum 3. "Updating tests based on feedback and new test
development" taken up [from michael_fairchild]
[14:43] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: Simon labelled all of the issues on
[14:45] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I'll put a link to Github with the
correct filter
[14:47] <michael_fairchild> is this it?
[14:47] <michael_fairchild> This is the correct filter
[14:48] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: these are problems with the test
[14:48] == Joe_Humbert [~Joe_Humbert@ef89345d.public.cloak] has quit ["Page
[14:48] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: for these, we want PRs, probably one
pull request per pattern
[14:48] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: as far as pull requests, are you
usually doing it from other forks?
[14:49] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: it's a little easier to collaborate
if it is a branch and not a fork
[14:49] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: this could be another place to
start, Rob, if you were interested in helping
[14:50] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: that might be a good idea
[14:50] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: There are only 3 files that you
would modify
[14:51] <michael_fairchild> michael_fairchild: feel free to ping me if you
have any questions
[14:51] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I'll take checkbox
[14:52] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: I'll take menubar
[14:52] <michael_fairchild> Zakim, take up item 4
[14:52] <Zakim> agendum 4. "Normalizing keys.mjs" taken up [from
[14:52] <michael_fairchild> Zakim, take up item 2
[14:52] <Zakim> agendum 2. "Resolving test conflicts and publishing draft
results" taken up [from michael_fairchild]
[14:53] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: we have a bunch of tests with
[14:54] == zcorpan [~zcorpan@ef89345d.public.cloak] has joined #aria-at
[14:54] == Heron [~Heron@ef89345d.public.cloak] has joined #aria-at
[14:55] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: the way that the process was
intended to work, was the test testers could find the conflicts in the
[14:55] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: how do you find the conflicts?
[14:56] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: go to the test runner, open the
pilot test cycle, and under the status column it says something like "in
progress with 10 conflicting tests"
[14:56] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: on the test queue page
[14:58] <michael_fairchild> rob_fentress: I don't see it
[14:58] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: oh, because I didn't check Jaws
under settings
[14:59] <michael_fairchild> Matt_King: we can walk through this in the next
meeting and discuss the conflict resolution. We want all of the testers to
agree on the fix

*Michael Fairchild, *CPWA
<> *•*
*Senior **Accessibility

Deque Systems <>

On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 8:52 AM Michael Fairchild <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Please join us for our call this Wednesday, 2020-06-17.
> We will set the agenda at the start of the meeting using issues with the
> "Agenda+" label
> <>
> in Github.
> Meeting details:
>    -
>    When: every Wednesday for 1 hour
>    -
>       12:00 pm Pacific (San Francisco)
>       -
>       2:00 pm Central Time (Chicago)
>       -
>       3:00 pm Eastern Time (New York)
>       -
>    Where: BlueJeans call (details follow) with IRC
> BlueJeans meeting info: You can dial in or connect via web or BlueJeans
> app.
> To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:
>    - Join Meeting from Computer:
>    - One-Touch: +14087407256,,,,678068494#,,#
>    <+14087407256,,,,678068494#,,%23>
>    - Meeting ID: 678068494
> To join via phone:
>    1. Dial: +1-408-740-7256
>    2. Enter Conference ID: 678068494#
> Want to test your video connection?
> IRC:
>    - Using a client: irc://
>    - Browser:
> As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
> *Michael Fairchild, *CPWA
> <> *•* *Senior **Accessibility
> Consultant*
> Deque Systems <>

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2020 20:20:20 UTC