Example of assertions (aria-details)

Hello everyone,

I recently had the chance to update my https://a11ysupport.io/ project to
better reflect what we have been discussing in ARIA-AT, and I'd like some
feedback. I see this as an opportunity for us to make sure we are on the
same page.

I created some assertions for aria-details, created a test, and included
test results. Note that this project isn't in sync with what we have
discussed in many ways; the grading system needs work and it's missing
things like pre-conditions and information like context while testing.
Again, this a11ysupport.io project is just me experimenting with ideas, and
it does not necessarily reflect our end goals or direction.

I'd like some feedback on the assertions for aria-details in the project
<https://a11ysupport.io/tech/aria/aria-details_attribute>. There are
'must', 'should', and 'may' assertions.

   1. Is the wording of the assertions easily understandable?
   2. Are 'must', 'should', and 'may' used appropriately?
   3. Does this accurately reflect the concept of 'assertions' that we have
   previously discussed?
   4. Do you find the addition of the 'rationale' for each assertion

Additionally, I have updated the architecture document
to reflect the recent changes that I made, including adding this style of
assertions to the feature object and letting a test reference multiple
assertions from multiple features. I only reference the update to this
document because we have previously discussed the document.

*Michael Fairchild, *CPWA
<https://www.accessibilityassociation.org/cpwacertification> *•* *Accessibility

Deque Systems <https://deque.com>

Received on Monday, 20 May 2019 15:45:53 UTC