Menu/Menu bar behavior testing on Safari and Chrome

Hi everyone,

I would like to share the work Mr.Gunderson mentioned in the previous meeting on Feb 6,
which is a study of Menu/Menu bar and how it worked with two browsers.
Files can be retrieved from the following link:
A brief summary of seemingly unexpected behavior and missing information
are in the 19_0209_Summary.xlsx file.
If you want to see the breakdown of every behavior including behavior worked as expected,
please see  19_0209_ARIA_Authoring_Menubar.docx.

Testing condition:
OS: Mojave 10.14.2
Browser: Safari and Chrome
Some behaviors that I noticed worked differently depending on OS version are noted in the word file.

I'm planning to attend the next meeting, so please feel free to get in touch with me
and Mr.Gunderson if you have any questions.


Received on Monday, 11 February 2019 18:34:29 UTC