- From: Peter Krautzberger <peter@krautzource.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 08:51:39 +0100
- To: James Nurthen <nurthen@adobe.com>
- Cc: "public-aria-admin@w3.org" <public-aria-admin@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CABOtQmGDvRDNbFw1hDhfHwBcnx=deZua4fjD08bOwMdHk5Xhow@mail.gmail.com>
+1 Am Fr., 19. Nov. 2021 um 01:27 Uhr schrieb James Nurthen <nurthen@adobe.com >: > (previously sent to incorrect list) > > This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the ARIA Working Group on the question > of publishing the Note ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2. The content to be > published can be found at: > https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/apg-1.2r1/aria-practices.html > > Changes in November 2021 Publication of Version 1.2 > > APG 1.1 supported ARIA 1.1, and this version, APG 1.2, includes changes to > support version 1.2 of the ARIA specification. It also includes nearly 200 > significant updates to improve the quality and breadth of content. A detailed > log of all changes > <https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Change-Log-for-November-2021-APG-1.2-Note-Release-1> is > available on the wiki of the w3c/aria-practices GitHub repository. > Highlights of major changes to support ARIA 1.2 as well as some of the > improvements include the following. > > - Added section to provide guidance related to 38 document structure > roles, 18 of which are new in ARIA 1.2. > - Revised guidance for roles where naming requirements changed in ARIA > 1.2. ARIA 1.2 prohibits names on some roles. ARIA 1.2 removed naming > requirements from some other roles. > - Added naming guidance for 18 roles that are new in ARIA 1.2. > - Revised the combobox pattern and 4 combobox examples to reflect the > ARIA 1.2 revisions to combobox. > - Added example illustrating changes in ARIA 1.2 that enable creation > of custom select-only comboboxes, which are similar to HTML select > elements. This replaces the Collapsible Listbox example, which is now > deprecated. > - Revised the listbox pattern to specify how to utilize the new ARIA > 1.2 support for named groups of options and Added a new listbox example to > demonstrate the named option group feature. > - Revised the editor menubar example to illustrate new ARIA 1.2 > support for named groups of items in a menu. > - Updated the listbox and tree patterns to reflect current browser > processing of aria-selected and provided guidance regarding the use of > aria-checked to communicate selection. > - Added section providing guidance about properties used with range > widgets, such as aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax. > - Added a design pattern and example implementation of the meter role, > which is new in ARIA 1.2 > - Added two examples that demonstrate how to create rating inputs, one > based on slider and one based on radio group. > - Added two other slider examples: a vertical temperature slider and a > media seek slider. > - Added a switch design pattern and three example implementations: one > made from a div element, one based on HTML button, and one that uses HTML > checkbox input. > - Added a button example that illustrates use of the new ARIA 1.2 IDL > interface. > - Added a date picker example that illustrates choosing a date with a > combobox. > - Added another example of a disclosure navigation menu that > demonstrates how to include top-level links. > - Added example of a sortable table. > - Changed all example pages to include a Jump to menu, a button to > open the example in CodePen, and added a prominently placed warning with > guidance about testing before re-using example code. > - Improved support for high contrast settings and added detailed > documentation of high contrast support in many examples. > - Improved support for touch-based screen readers in several examples, > most notably in sliders. > - Due to change in ARIA 1.2, removed Math role from list of roles that > have presentational children. > - Developed a comprehensive set of coding standards for HTML, CSS, and > Javascript > <https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Code-Guide#apg-coding-standards> for > the APG and updated a significant portion of content to conform with the > standards. > - In response to feedback, fixed many documentation errors and > functional bugs in examples. > > Comprehensive lists of closed issues included in APG 1.2 release 1 are > tracked in the following GitHub milestones. > > - APG 1.2 Release 1 Milestone > <https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/2?closed=1>: Github > issues closed in the first publication of APG 1.2 as a W3C Note in November > 2021. > - APG 1.2 Working Draft 3 Milestone > <https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/10>: Github issues > closed in the third working draft of APG 1.2 published in November 2019. > - APG 1.2 Working Draft 1 milestone > <https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/7>: GitHub issues > closed in the first working draft of APG 1.2 published on July 17, 2018. > > > > *Action* > > This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of support > via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though messages of > support are certainly welcome. > > If you object to this proposal, or have comments concerning it, please respond > by replying on list to this message no later than 17:00 Boston > Time, Monday, 22 November 2021. > > For objections only, please copy the main public-aria@w3.org list to allow > technical discussion of the objection to happen there. > > *Process* > > This CfC is conducted per the ARIA WG decision policy: > https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/decision-policy > >
Received on Friday, 19 November 2021 07:52:04 UTC