- From: Adam Sobieski <adamsobieski@hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 07:48:09 +0000
- To: "public-schemaorg@w3.org" <public-schemaorg@w3.org>, "public-argumentation@w3.org" <public-argumentation@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BY2PR01MB18803D237366F3EB517EB9C3C5630@BY2PR01MB1880.prod.exchangelabs.com>
Schema.org Community Group, Argumentation Community Group, I would like to applaud the ClaimReview proposal (http://pending.schema.org/ClaimReview), discussed here, in this mailing list, and also at: https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/1061 . I opine that the discussion is one toward an Argumentation Web insofar as it discusses claims. Claims are presently text (http://pending.schema.org/claimReviewed) but could be, at some point, text or Claim (referenced by URI). Fact-checking does not require the fact-checked documents’ authors to utilize a specific technology, technique or schema; fact-checked authors do not have to indicate or annotate the claims in their documents. Argumentation mining tasks include, but are not limited to, finding the claims in natural language documents (http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=related:7hn0XfveJs0J:scholar.google.com/&hl=en); forthcoming corpora of fact-checking and fact-checked documents and other derived corpora will be of use for the automatic detection of claims in natural language documents and of use for other argumentation mining research. Which factors contribute to the discussion, adoption and utilization of schemas? Some of those factors are emergent features, those of search engines, of major websites and of software. “Google News determines whether an article might contain fact checks in part by looking for the schema.org ClaimReview markup. We also look for sites that follow the commonly accepted criteria for fact checks. Publishers who create fact-checks and would like to see it appear with the ‘Fact check’ tag should use that markup in fact-check articles.” (https://blog.google/topics/journalism-news/labeling-fact-check-articles-google-news/) From fact-checking to argumentation, we can consider how the automatic detection of claims might impact the indexing, search and retrieval of documents in distributed, decentralized, discussion forums. We can consider how the detection of argumentation might as well. We can consider new search engine, major website and productivity and collaboration software features which would result from argumentation schema. Best regards, Adam Sobieski http://www.phoster.com/contents/ https://www.w3.org/community/argumentation/ https://www.w3.org/community/collaboration/
Received on Friday, 6 January 2017 07:49:00 UTC