The Technology of Meetings [via Argumentation Community Group]

The technology of meetings are of interest to our group. Some topics in the
overlap of artificial intelligence with meetings, meetings occurring in all
sectors, academia, science, industry and government, in all organizations, are

The topics presented include recording meetings with modern sensors, the
processing of data from arrays of such sensors, data including pointclouds as
well as binaural, surround sound or ambisonic audio. Software technology topics
include obtaining photographs or videos from those pointclouds, conveniencing
participants as well as production teams with advanced features.

Ten topics are presented:

Obtaining 3D data, pointclouds, from multiple sensors, obtaining photographs,
video, 3D audio from multiple sensors, including binaural audio, surround sound,
Natural language understanding, multiperson speech recognition, multiperson
nonverbal gesture recognition.
Transcription, keyword generation, enhancing the indexing of video, video
segments, video clips.
Modeling discourse, modeling debates, modeling meetings, detecting events,
categorizing events.
Interpreting meetings, interpreting narratives or storyboards from meetings,
summarizing meetings, motions of attention during meetings.
The virtual cinematography or videography utilizing virtual cameras, the
capability to position virtual cameras in space, to adjust virtual camera
settings, to move virtual cameras around, to obtain photographs or videos.
The capability to, beyond outputting one video stream, output multiple
simultaneous multimedia streams, multiple simultaneous virtual cameras, as per
multiview video.
The processing of photographs from meetings or video cinematography, utilizing
photographs, videos as well as pointclouds data. Machine learning from human
photographers, videographers.
The storage of pointcloud video, archiving of the raw preprocessed 3D data, the
indexing, search, retrieval of 3D multimedia content.
The summarization of sets of meetings, dashboard summarizations of sets of


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'The Technology of Meetings'

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Received on Thursday, 2 April 2015 17:43:11 UTC