XML/RDF Hybrid Documents [via Argumentation Community Group]

Documents can align XML, tree-based, document content with graph-based
semantics, RDF semantics.  Use case scenarios include: argumentation formats,
linguistic and semantic annotations, rhetorical structure, SSML and XHTML
documents.  In SSML contexts, such data can facilitate enhanced prosodic speech
synthesis.  In XHTML scenarios, many new features are possible.

Documents can interface as both trees and graphs.  A solution for document and
modular document component semantics is extending document object
model interfaces. Document object model elements such as Element, HTMLElement,
HTMLObjectElement as well as custom elements could be extended with
a semantics attribute which returns at least a graph interface. Topics include
accessing: (1) the semantics of an element, (2) the semantics of an element and
of its descendant nodes, (3) a graph from an element and an XPath expression.
The interface of Document could be similarly extended, document.semantics.

The contents of such graphs could be:

 From content regions in a document as per: ... or ....
 Linked to from a document as per: ,  or .

 A @rel attribute could vary processing or map graphs to resultant graphs;  or 
could map graph data to or from an annotation ontology.

Document semantics interfaces could reference package semantics metadata, as
described in OpenDocument 1.2, Part 3: Packages, Chapter 6: Metadata
 Inferred from or processed from other document content including: document
markup semantics, structural semantics, attributes such as @xhtml:role,
@rdf:type, @rdfa:typeof or @epub:type, microformats and RDFa.

Web components could include a means of specifying such semantics in addition
to structure, styling and scripting.

Enhanced features include semantic reasoning upon graph-based data and the
Web-based and desktop-based indexing, search and retrieval of such data and
metadata, the data and metadata of document packages, documents, document
components and multimedia.  Furthermore, by expanding document object models to
include document semantics, implementations of semantic selectors, e.g. SPARQL,
can be facilitated.



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'XML/RDF Hybrid Documents'


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Received on Thursday, 2 April 2015 17:08:53 UTC