XML Relational Algebra: Client-side Relational Algebra on Tree-based Data [via Argumentation Community Group]

XML-based relational algebra, a subset of XSLT functionality, can enhance
numerous digital document scenarios including those of argumentation formats.
XML-based relational algebra (e.g. from, select, where, selectmany, sum, min,
max, average, aggregate, join, groupjoin, take, takewhile, skip, skipwhile,
oftype, concat, orderby, thenby, reverse, groupby, distinct, union, intersect,
except, sequenceequal, first, firstordefault, last, lastordefault, single,
singleordefault, elementat, any, all, contains, count) operating on XML data can
enhance XML expressiveness.

Techniques are envisioned utilizing XPATH selectors and XML preprocessing or

The features possible are further enhanced with a set of URI-based extensions,
specified semantics for builtin functionalities, which can perform relational
algebra functions utilizing user data from across applications, utilizing
interprocess communication or platform features, for example to sort arbitrary
XML or XHTML content based on topic, sorting by user interest.


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'XML Relational Algebra: Client-side Relational Algebra on Tree-based Data'


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Received on Thursday, 2 April 2015 17:05:51 UTC