Re: [archives-and-linked-data] Archive/ArchiveComponent extensions in ArchiveGrid

Hi Bruce (ccing the public-architypes group),

This is awesome, and I'm excited to play around with this more;
particularly from the standpoint of consuming this data. Could you add this
announcement to the pull request for Architypes? <>

Per your question about holding information: The structure that the
Architypes extension proposes is the use of `holdingArchive`. I will note
that there is some discussion on Richard Wallis's unmerged pull request
linked above to add the Architypes extension to about potential
patterns. Steven Folsom from Cornell notes that a potential
`holds`/`heldBy` relationship might be useful, and I want to emphasize and
acknowledge the distinction between a holding, offering, and ownership. My
inclination that your parallel relationships are probably fine but we
should document this distinction.

I'm not sure of the origin of the current ArchivesSpace JSON-LD expression
but I think Mark Custer at Yale, who is involved in this group wrote the
ticket: <>. What I infer
from the discussion was that the implemented expression doesn't totally
converge with Architypes, and that there was at some point a decision to
delay further implementation until the Architypes proposal was incorporated


On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 4:34 PM Bruce Washburn <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> At the December 11th meeting I mentioned the prospect of modifying the
> JSON-LD that is embedded in ArchiveGrid records to include the
> Archive and ArchiveComponent types and the holdingArchive relationship.
> I've finally implemented that change (for uninteresting reasons it
> necessitated moving ArchiveGrid to a new platform), and have been testing
> this change for the past week or so. I think it's ready for some wider
> evaluation.  If you have a chance, could you take a look and give me advice
> on how to improve upon this?
> All of the 5.4M ArchiveGrid records that are based on MARC records in
> WorldCat include JSON-LD data in their HTML source.
> Here's an ArchiveGrid search to return MARC records:
> And here's a URL to view one of those records in the Google Structure Data
> testing tool, which should detect and display the embedded JSON-LD:
> The testing tool throws errors for the (currently) unrecognized
> classes and predicates, as expected.
> I have questions about rendering information about the institution that
> holds the item.
> My previous practice had been to make use of the "offers" relationship and
> the "offeredBy" structure to link to the associated institution:
> "offers": {
>   "@type":"Offer",
>   "offeredBy": {
>     "url":"",
>     "@type": [
>       "Organization",
>       "Archive"
>      ],
>      "name":"American Antiquarian Society"
>   }
> }
> I've retained that structure, and have added a parallel "holdingArchive"
> relationship:
> "holdingArchive": {
>   "@type":"Archive",
>   "url":"",
>   "name":"American Antiquarian Society"
> }
> I noted that ArchivesSpace is now embedding JSON-LD on collection pages
> (on at least some sites), where the "provider" relationship is used to
> indicate the responsible institution.
> For example, in
> "provider": {
>   "@id": null,
>   "url": "",
>   "@type": "Organization",
>   "name": "Archives of Appalachia"
> }
> So I'm wondering what the best practice is, and whether the parallel
> rendering I've adopted would be acceptable, at least for now.
> Thanks,
> Bruce
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Received on Saturday, 2 February 2019 22:15:49 UTC