- From: Rob Manson <roBman@mob-labs.com>
- Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 23:51:09 +1000
- To: "public-ar@w3.org" <public-ar@w3.org>
Hi, as promised, here's a link to the slides I presented at the IEEE ISMAR 2013 conference today. http://www.slideshare.net/robman/web-standards-for-ar-workshop-at-ismar13 We also demoed our latest R&D work to develop a WebGLSL/shader based image processing pipeline that uses the GPU instead of the CPU and all with existing and public web api's. The response to the overall presentation was really positive and I'm confident a lot more Computer Vision researchers will now be looking at the Augmented Web platform in a completely different way. One discussion even lead to the real possibility that WebCL "could" possibly even be released on Android before OpenCL is. The comment from the audience there was that "if that happens...then you've won!" 8) Also, some great news from Neil Trevett (Khronos Group) is that the OpenVX specification is heading into "Ratification" phase by the end of this month and within 45 days we could have a 1.0 specification! http://www.khronos.org/openvx There is also some really good discussions developing within the Khronos Group about how OpenCL could logically evolve into WebCL...just like OpenGL evolved into WebGL. In that case the Augmented Web platform will then be a completely equal peer to all the native-code Computer Vision applications. And there's also some great movement in the new Camera Control API working group in the Khronos Group which will also bring us some really important new developments soon. On a separate note, I'd also like to welcome all the new participants that have joined this group. The overall group is a quiet bunch but you'll see that we're definitely one of the biggest Community Groups by number of participants and you're all welcome to continue contacting me directly to discuss any of our related topics for those that feel more comfortable with that. The next big event I'll be presenting at is the "WebRTC World" conference in Santa Clara at the end of November. I'll be presenting the Augmented Web and how WebRTC is enabling so much more than just video conferencing. http://www.webrtcworld.com/conference/west/speaker-list.aspx roBman PS: I'll also include a shameless promotion for the book I've just had published by Packt Publishing - "Getting started with WebRTC". http://www.packtpub.com/getting-started-with-webrtc/book As you'll see the core parts of this code and the new image processing pipeline work is now available on github. https://github.com/buildar/getting_started_with_webrtc/#image_processing_pipelinehtml
Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 13:51:42 UTC