Re: WebRTC opens the door to the Augmented Web!

Probably would help if I included the link to the presentation 8)


On 23/05/13 18:34, Rob Manson wrote:
> Hi all,
> just thought I'd share a presentation I did today at the Sydney WebRTC
> meetup.
> The key message was that WebRTC is one of the key technologies unlocking
> the Augmented Web and how it enables so much more than just "video
> conferencing".
> I'd really be interested to hear people's thoughts on the image
> processing pipeline on slide 6 too.
> Also, the rest of May and June are very busy with presentations at the
> AR Standards in New York, a Sensor Journalism workshop at Columbia and
> the Augmented World Expo in Santa Clara.  Then more cool stuff happening
> at ISTAS13 in Toronto.  So expect more presentations and demos over the
> next few weeks 8)
> BTW: It also looks like the Media Capture & Streams API Working Group
> have settled on how the "camera facing" constraints/selection is going
> to work so expect that to be rolled out into Chrome and Firefox over the
> next couple of months.  Once that's in place all the key APIs needed for
> real Augmented Web applications will be in place!
> Exciting times.
> roBman
> PS: If you haven't heard, @mrdoob will be presenting at the Web3D
> conference in Spain next month.  And there's lots of "AR on the Web"
> discussions happening there too.

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2013 08:40:34 UTC