- From: Anita Havele <anita.havele@web3d.org>
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 12:29:24 -0400
- To: <x3d@web3d.org>, <consortium@web3d.org>, <x3d-public@web3d.org>, <web3d2013-planning@web3d.org>
- Message-ID: <00c101ce3abf$8f1c1570$ad544050$@web3d.org>
The Web3D2013 <http://www.web3d2013.org/> conference in San Sebastian, Spain will include a new workshop on "Web3d and Industrial Use Cases" on Friday, 21 June 2013. Each presentation will last 20 minutes with 5-10 minutes for discussions. Submission Deadline: 1 May 2013. Notification to candidates : 15 May, 2013. Some Suggested topics: Web3D visualization of product and plant CAD models and PLM. Web3D modeling for 3D printing Web3D for medical industry Submission Instructions : Please provide presenters names, affiliations, and contact information, Title of the presentation, and a short summary. Proposals should describe: 1. The topic of interest 2. The originality/innovation 3. Topics covered 4. Intended audience 5. Audio visual support requirements If accepted, presenters will be asked to provide a short bio, a representative image, and publishable presentation for use on the conference web site and promotional materials. Please send proposals to the Web3D Industrial liaison chair: Christophe Mouton: christophe.mouton(at)edf (dot)fr. Registration to the Web3D 2013 conference is required for each presenter: http://web3d2013.org/registration.html. Additional information on the conference is available at www.web3d2013.org. We look forward to showcase your Industrial Use Case at the Web3D 2013 Conference. Best regards, Anita Havele Executive Director, Web3D Consortium <http://www.web3d.org/> www.web3d.org Phone: +1 248 342 7662 Fax: +1 248 457 8018
Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 16:33:10 UTC