Fwd: Multimedia User Interfaces: Update

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adamsobieski@hotmail.com <adamsobieski@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 2:37 AM
Subject: Re: Multimedia User Interfaces: Update
To: dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org

Firefox Team,

As convenient, after some discussions, the following summarizations
have emerged:

1. Selecting rectangles of video and intervals on video timelines.
Selecting crop regions and timespans. Those selections can have
context menus on them.

2. Bookmarking. Placing points on the timeline of multimedia objects
while watching them to then make later use of those bookmarked points.
After indicating bookmark points, selections can be then made around
or near those bookmark points.

3. Selections of multimedia objects, media fragments, or clips, can be
described by media fragments URI (http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags). A
spatial selection, as per a rectangle,
, a temporal selection, as per an interval of the timeline,
http://example.com/video.avi#t=10,20 , and a combination or
spatiotemporal selection
can be identified by URI and multimedia objects. Navigating from those
to larger rectangles or wider intervals is point 3.

4. Videos can, upcoming, contain more structure than lists of
chapters. User interface ideas include being able to navigate through
videos that have more structure than just chapters. For example, a
video might include a track that describes books, parts, chapters,
pages, paragraphs and sentences.

5. By making use of tracks that accompany a multimedia object or of
client-side audio/video indexing and search, client-side text-based
search into multimedia is possible. Users can find text occurences in
videos and navigate to them.

Kind regards,

Adam Sobieski
dev-platform mailing list

Received on Saturday, 3 September 2011 13:45:27 UTC