Information and the Postmodern Socio-Cultural Conditions...

Dear public-informationarchitecture,

"Information" and the Web today and tomorrow...?

In sorting out and appraise the contributions and limitations of
perspectives that map allegedly novel postmodern socio-cultural conditions,
there was "Baudrillard en route to Postmodernity"  telling about an
intellectual figure Jean Baudrillard having concerns by his works (1980s)
with among others computerization, information processing, media,
cybernetic control system and the organization of society according to
simulation codes and models: those bringing him to an understanding on
trinity of simulations, implosion, and hyperreality --that predix "hyper-"
reminds us about "Hyper Text (Markup Language)"...

(Those what I find in my note made possible by a machine-based copy: Best,
Steven and D. Kellner, "Postmodern Theories: Critical Interrogations", The
Guilford Press, New York, 1991 pp.111-145, especially pp. 118-122)

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Received on Saturday, 4 January 2020 14:42:54 UTC