Re: "Mobile Web": a reading on history and appsdesignlab...

Dear All,

An archive on "XTHML, Xorms and the Mobile Web" by Steven Pemberton (2004)

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Minggu, 31 Maret 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> menulis:

> Dear All,
> As a history we may look at in terms of the present --a theme I ever
> finded out to learn years ago at school in one or more of my machine-based
> notes on Michel Foucault's works-- we may get what is worked today and for
> future on web applications. That is examplifed by "Declarative Web
> Applications" which are about XFORMS as a replacement to HTML form and
> having input, output, and processing engine in relation with user -- which
> is about its FORMS STANDARD for applications...
> The intent-based controls as part of XFORMS make the deliverence of form
> is without change thus facilitate a mobility...
> Regard,
> Guntur Wiseno Putra
> Pada Kamis, 28 Maret 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <>
> menulis:
>> Dear All,
>> It is still of the 10th anniversary W3C: the "How it all started: Pre-W3C
>> Web" storing historical resources:
>> 1960:J.C.R. Licklider
>> taking us to an online source of his 2 publications: "Man-Computer
>> Symbiosis" (1960) and "The Computer as a Communications Tool" ( 1968,
>> co-authored with R. Taylor)
>> As we may look at the computer as part of a human society today...
>> Regard,
>> Guntur Wiseno Putra
>> Pada Kamis, 28 Maret 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <>
>> menulis:
>>> Dear All,
>>> It is about an event passed away celebrating anniversary of which
>>> "mobile web" was discussed...
>>> and among others is "W3C Mobile Web Initiative"
>>> Regard,
>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra

Received on Monday, 1 April 2019 01:55:28 UTC