Re: To cookie or not to cookie

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> [with cookies] One concern we found was that it makes it very easy for a 
> site to accidentally grant access to a users personal data without 
> realizing this is done without the users consent. I.e. the worry is that 
> server administrators will think that just because a request includes a 
> users cookies, that the user has authorized the request. To use the 
> examples above: [...]
> [without cookies] This both exposes the user to a greater risk since the 
> requesting site is actually given the credential, and also risks 
> creating a culture where people give out their passwords to other sites.
> [prompting user]

Prompting the user here should be right out, IMHO. Users would not be able 
to make informed decisions.

In my opinion, the problem described as [without cookies] above is many 
orders of magnitude worse than the theoretical problem described under 
[with cookies]. In addition, the risk given above under [with cookies] is 
present even without cookies, it just migrates to whatever other 
authentication mechanism is used.

I think ironically that not sending cookies is therefore by far the least 
secure option we are faced with here.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 10:50:20 UTC