[widgets] Minutes from 14 February 2008 Widgets Voice Conf

All - The minutes from the WAF WG's February 14 VoiceConf on Widgets  
are available at the following and copied below:


WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please  
send  them to the public-appformats mail list before February 21;  
otherwise the minutes will be considered approved.

One comment from me: Marcos attended the meeting.

Regards, Art Barstow


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conf (WAF WG)

14 Feb 2008


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-appformats/ 

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2008/02/14-waf-irc


           Art, Arve, Benoit, Dave, Claudio_(IRC)




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Agenda Review
          2. [6]Annoncements
          3. [7]Actions and Issues
          4. [8]Landscape Document
          5. [9]Requirements doc
          6. [10]AOB
      * [11]Summary of Action Items

    <claudio> I'm in Lyon and I'm having troubles in connecting via
    phone to the bridge...

    <claudio> roamin pains, I'm trying...

    ok. with Marcos not present we will not have a formal meeting :-(

    <arve> should we reschedule for another day, then?

    <claudio> Would be nice for me...

    <scribe> Scribe: Art

    <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

    Date: 14 February 2008

Agenda Review

    AB: without Marcos we won't do a deep dive on technical discussions


    AB: I was hoping MikeSmith or Shepazu could provide an update on the
    WebApps WG Charter
    ... but neither is present :-(

Actions and Issues

    AB: see [12]http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/

      [12] http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/

    ABe: regarding Action #112, we have a proposal
    ... [13]http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/actions/112
    ... hope to submit it to the WG after I return from vacation at the
    end of the month

      [13] http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/waf/actions/112

    DP: is the model for Widgets connecting to the Web or does it also
    include accessing device APIs?

    ABe: I can't talk about device related things
    ... but this model is about provisioning widgets i.e. uploading and
    ... it describes a detailed URI-based model

    AB: we have about 12 Actions open
    ... and we have about 5 Issues open

    <marcos> Argh!

    <marcos> coming!

    <marcos> got stuck in traffic

    <marcos> yep

    <arve> bbiam

    <arve> (needed more coffee)

    MC: I am working on some of the Actions
    ... input at anytime from people is welcome

Landscape Document

    AB: what's the status Marcos?

    MC: it fullfills a need to understand the current landscape
    ... seems logical to move it out of the Requirements document
    ... also makes the Reqs doc easier to maintain

    AB: I like this organization


      [14] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-land/Overview.src.html

    BS: I think the split makes sense
    ... not sure about the title regarding the precedence in the W3C

    MC: any help with filling in the empty boxes would be appreciated

    AB: it may be more appropriate to be WG Note rather than a Rec type

    MC: that's OK with me

    ABe: WG Note is a good way to go

    BS: OK with me
    ... are any of the WG members providing information for this doc?
    ... e.g. I noticed something regarding Windows signature may not be

    MC: we've had some Members review but not all

    AB: what's the next step toward publication?

    MC: I think we'll need about one month to fill in the tables and to
    get a good format

    AB: I think WG Notes are mainly considered 1-time publication
    ... not revised generally

    <scribe> ACTION: Barstow talk to Mike Smith about WG Note vs Rec
    type doc for the Landscape doc [recorded in

    <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-170 - Talk to Mike Smith about WG Note
    vs Rec type doc for the Landscape doc [on Arthur Barstow - due

    BS: could wait for final pub to the end

Requirements doc

    <marcos> [16]http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets-reqs/

      [16] http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets-reqs/

    <marcos> ooops

    AB: latest ED is: [17]http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-reqs/
    ... Dave, please send your Feb 10 comments to the public mail list

      [17] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-reqs/

    DP: OK, will do

    AB: remind everyone we need to respond to all comments whether the
    comments are from WG members or non-members

    MC: I will respond to Dave's comments
    ... regarding Dave's first comment, it's good to hear Arve is
    working on a related input
    ... On Feb 4 I sent some comments re security
    ... Regarding device security, I'm waiting to see what the UWA WG is
    going to do
    ... I agree device API has security-related implications but it's
    not clear if we need to do anything here (in a normative way)

    DP: yes, that seems OK with me for v1.0 and focus now on the
    packaging format as the #1 priority

    <claudio> TI thinks We hould move a little further saying that
    Widgets support DCCI specification

    BS: I agree about the priority of the packaging format but device
    API are important

    DP: what about timeframes?

    MC: I'd like to get to LC by November
    ... and Candidate in 1Q09
    ... but it all depends on WG participation and I'm concerned about
    the lack of inputs
    ... we've lost some steam and we need to get it back

    AB: I agree with MC that we have to get some more momentum; the AC
    work has domintate my time and I'm sorry about that
    ... We can work in either mode -> VCs once per week or more
    distributed using e-mail like the AC work

    BS: can we get more Members participating?
    ... e.g. Microsoft or Apple
    ... I also talked with Netvibes people

    MC: everyone is in the WG but they aren't all participating

    ABe: we've made most progress in the f2f meeting

    <claudio> I can report a potential interest also from Alcatel Lucent

    ABe: maybe we can explicity invite Apple, MS, NetVibes, to our f2f

    DP: I think if we complete the Reqs doc it can be used to entice
    people to participate

    BS: some people don't understand if this work is for Web widgets
    only, Desktop widgets only, etc.
    ... this needs to be more clear
    ... Perhaps we need an inclusive f2f meeting or some type of web

    DP: I think some of the reqs are a bit "woolly"
    ... agree we need the definition of Widgets must be very clear


    AB: VC next week?

    ABe: I would prefer two weeks from now

    BS: that's OK with me

    AB: next meeting Feb 28

    MC: please send comments to the public mail list

    BS: please include [widgets] in the Subject: header
    ... agree focusing the agenda on specific text or reqs would be good

    ABe: agree

    <claudio> Are We booking a date for next F2F?

    AB: meeting adjourned

    <scribe> ACTION: Barstow start a thread about a Widgets f2f meeting
    via the member mail list [recorded in

    <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-171 - Start a thread about a Widgets
    f2f meeting via the member mail list [on Arthur Barstow - due

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Barstow start a thread about a Widgets f2f meeting via
    the member mail list [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Barstow talk to Mike Smith about WG Note vs Rec type
    doc for the Landscape doc [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 15 February 2008 13:47:37 UTC