
Hi Folks (and John Panzer in particular),

OAuth has been brought up a couple of times in this mailing list lately, 
though every time very deep in a thread on some related subject.

I'd like to understand what the use case of using OAuth together with 
something like cross-site XMLHttpRequest. From my, very brief, 
understanding of OAuth it's mostly about server-to-server communication. 
Basically creating a way to let one server fetch a users private data 
from another server. Like letting printing.com fetch my private images 
from flicr.com. After getting my consent of course.

However I don't see how that would work with something lie cross-site 
XMLHttpRequest, where there basically is only the browser and one server 

So would you mind explaining to someone who doesn't really know the 
bells and whistles of OAuth exactly what you want to do. Please be as 
detailed as possible.

Best Regards,
Jonas Sicking

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2008 06:06:14 UTC