Re: Accountability in AC4CSR

On Feb 7, 2008, at 19:15, Close, Tyler J. wrote:

> Is the user or the Referer-Root site accountable for a cross-domain  
> non-GET request? Does the proposed protocol make it possible for the  
> site hosting the resource to correctly determine the answer to that  
> question?

XHR is driven by scripts written in a Turing-complete imperative  
programming language. Making the browser analyze the relationship of  
user action and XHR action is not a solvable problem in the general  

So instead of trying to analyze what the script does, we are left with  
the belief of trust that the script acts properly on the user's  
behalf. If recipient of the cross-site request chooses to trust an  
untrustworthy site, all bets are off when it comes to placing the  
blame on the user vs. a rogue script.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 08:38:36 UTC