Re: Proposal for ... POST when dealing with large numbers of URIs

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> ...
>> Otherwise, if the 200 OK OPTIONS response has this header, and the 
>> path in the header, with a slash added at the start if it doesn't 
>> have one
>> already, is an exact match for the URI of the 200 OK OPTIONS response
>> itself, then continue as currently specified, except that the
>> Access-Control allow and deny rights must be applied to all paths that
>> have the path of this 200 OK response, with a trailing slash added if 
>> not
>> already present, as a prefix, and that, if sent, the non-GET request 
>> must
>> be sent to the URI of the first 200 OK response for this invocation 
>> of the Cross-site Non-GET Access Request algorithm (not to the final 
>> location of
>> the policy).
> My plan is to integrate this in the current proposal for the cache so 
> it will not be exactly like this. That is, allow and deny clauses are 
> followed but the cache only holds the result for a (referrer root, 
> request URI substring) combination.
(I'm assuming substring == path prefix.)

1. Question: If a cache ends up containing entries for both (ref,/foo), 
(ref,/foo/bar/), and processes a non-GET cross-site request: 
(ref,/foo/bar/baz.cgi), then it falls under both path prefixes.   My 
reading of is that 
the access check process then roughly behaves "as if" all of the 
Access-Control information for both /foo and /foo/bar were merged and 
present in an Access-Control header for /foo/bar/baz.cgi.  However, 
Access-Control information that might be present on /foo/bar/baz.cgi 
itself is not used since no OPTIONS request is sent to that resource.  
Is this right?

2. A subsequent GET of /foo/bar/baz.cgi could add a cache entry 
(ref,/foo/bar/baz.cgi), which could provide access control information 
for non-GET requests as well.  Would the algorithm above ignore this 
cache entry's allow and deny clauses for non-GET requests, or fold it 
in?  (I wasn't sure what 'as a prefix' meant in the paragraph -- it 
appears to be ruling out an exact full match for the item itself.)


Received on Monday, 4 February 2008 18:49:43 UTC