(no subject)

Hi Gene,

Here is a use case - Push mail implemented as widget. Details: widget is
> running on the mobile phone, SMS message arrives alerting user to some
> changes. User clicks on a link in URL and a corresponding widget opens and
> picks up the changes from the Web. This would allow push-mail implemented as
> widget and many other enterprise scenarios - I can see many uses in CRM, for
> example. What is important - without widget having its own URL such
> applications become impossible to create. Please drop me a note if you see
> ANY workaround based on current Widget spec?

The spec only covers covers issues around packaging at this point (because
of constraints imposed by the working group charter). Please see
requirements 27 in the Widgets Requirements document [1]. Nevertheless, I'll
propose a few hypothetical solutions for discussion:

1. the widget, if allowed by the widget engine, could monitor incoming SMS
messages. If an SMS message is from a particular phone number(s) (or
contains some other form of identification), the widget could act on it and
get the messages from the mail server.

2. the widget supports HTML5' event-source element [2] and maintains a
persistent connection with the server, but without exchanging any data until

Kind regards,
Marcos Caceres

[1] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/waf/widgets-reqs/Overview.html
[2] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-event-source

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 03:19:44 UTC