Re: [waf] New Charter proposal

Hi Art,
I skimmed through the charter and like what I saw. One suggestion is to
make 3.15 Other Specifications just a bit less open-ended. Perhaps add some
language that says new specifications can be pursued as long as they fit
within the general mission of promoting applications functionality within
W3C technologies, such as defining DOM APIs or XML formats that support the
requirements of web applications, and that the community will be notified
if there is a decision to develop new specifications. (For example, perhaps
an email to the WebApps public mailing list(s), the TAG, and the A/C s.
This is just a suggestion. Personally, I'm OK with the write-up as is.


             Arthur Barstow                                                
   >                                                     To 
             Sent by:                    
             public-appformats                                          cc 
                                       [waf] New Charter proposal          
             12/16/2007 05:37                                              

All - the WAF WG's charter expired last month and the tentative plan
going forward is for the WAF WG to merge with the Web API WG to form
a new WG named the Web Applications WG.

A *Draft* Charter of the proposed Web Apps WG is available:


If you have any comments on this Draft please send them to the public- mail list (by early January at the latest).

Regards, Art Barstow

Received on Monday, 17 December 2007 20:57:59 UTC