Re: A question on sXBL and XBL 2.0

On Sep 12, 2006, at 13:07, Dean Jackson wrote:
> The XBL 2.0 that is currently in last call broke compatibility
> with sXBL in its first draft - it wasn't something that happened
> over time. Now that XBL 2.0 is a more mature specification than
> sXBL it will be interesting to see what path sXBL takes if it is
> published again. I don't think the world wants two binding
> specifications, but there might be some things in XBL 2.0 that
> make it unacceptable for standalone SVG implementations (for
> example).

I think the biggest issue that people might see is the fact that XBL  
relies on CSS Selectors, whereas sXBL had the "Apple Consensus" which  
consisted in using CSS or XPath depending on which made most sense  
for the usage context.

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2006 12:02:09 UTC