Comments and questions on XBL2 Working Draft


In general, it would be useful if there were available use cases
and/or requirements for XBL. One could easier evaluate the language and
understand reasoning for certain features. Is there any document which
can be published?

Specifically on XBL2 WD (

Section 4.1.

Second paragraph:

"While an element matches the element attribute of one of the binding
elements that is imported into, or defined in, the element's document,
the binding defined by the _first_ such binding element must be bound to
the element."

Just to clarify: only the first matching binding element is bound to the
element, i.e., no implicit inheritance using bindings with element
attribute? Third paragraph in the Section 4.6.2. implies the other way

Section 4.6.

The figure in the section is good, but I think it could be explained
more specific. Especially first-time reader would benefit if he/she
saw what is the final inheritance order after implicit inheritance is
applied, what is node "E", and which nodes are base bindings, which are
base bindings of the chain, and which are most derived bindings.

Section 4.6.2.

In the example, third paragraph, sentence ending:

"...most derived binding that is already attached to the element, s_3."

s_3 should be s_1.

Fourth paragraph:

"The inheritance between d_3 and s_1 is implicit, meaning..."

d_3 should be d_2.

Section 8.1.

Declaration of bindingDocuments attribute says:

"The bindingDocuments attribute must return a NamedNodeMap of all the
binding documents loaded by the document. Documents are referenced using
their URIs as the keys."

Is it possible to use URIs? DOM's NamedNodeMap uses nodeNames as the keys.


Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 07:44:29 UTC