[XBL] The xbl:pseudo Attribute


This is a last call comment on the XBL 2 Editor’s Draft (dated 27
October 2006).

2.8 The xbl:pseudo Attribute

The list of valid pseudo-elements seems very arbitrary and widget
oriented.  XBL 2 is not only going to be used for widgets.  The feature
seems like a great way to expose abstractions of the shadow tree for
styling by users of the binding, but to be even more useful I think
arbitrary psuedo-element names should be allowed.  A binding for bar
charts could then expose a pseudo-element called series1, series2, etc.,
so that individual data series could be coloured using CSS.

To avoid problems with forward-compatibility (as mentioned in 4.7.4),
it could be required that such “custom” pseudo-elements be specified
only with the vendor prefix format.

  The valid pseudo-elements are “value”, “choices”, “label”,
  “repeat-item”, and “icon”. Future versions of CSS might introduce new

Is that meant to say “Future versions of XBL”?



Cameron McCormack, http://mcc.id.au/
 xmpp:heycam@jabber.org  ▪  ICQ 26955922  ▪  MSN cam@mcc.id.au

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:29:27 UTC