Accessibility of Digital Wallets for Verifiable Credientials and Digital Identifiers

Dear APA,

At TPAC this year we continued to follow the work of the verifiable credential and digital identifier working groups. APA has a long-standing interest in these privacy preserving, selective disclosure technologies, as they have the potential to improve online experiences for people with disabilities.

While the details of such a digital object remain to be defined, the infrastructure has matured significantly.  Google shared their open source reference wallet here: The wallet itself lives in this github repo:

California's mDL (mobile driver's license) was recently announced here, and here, We were told there may be a test driver's license that can be loaded in this wallet.

I share these details, as we have discussed taking a closer look at the accessibility of these technologies.

  *   Lionel


Lionel Wolberger

CCOO UserWay, A Level Access Company

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2024 01:42:55 UTC