Re: Manifest on convergence of e-book accessibility standards

Dear Gottfried:

We can and should discuss this topic in APA. Let's look for a suitable
date a bit later in May? Perhaps 15 May? Later in the month also works.

For context please note that APA is also requested to review a fixed
layout Epub draft specification here:

A preliminary discussion of this Epub spec occured in APA on 17 April and is logged here:

Note we were considering whether the json graph data visualization
approach developed in a W3C Community Group might provide a solution.


Gottfried Zimmermann writes:
> Hi APA,
> i want to bring to your attention a problem with regards to ebook accessibility that we are facing in Europe next year, when the European Accessibility Act kicks in.  The point is that the EAA makes a difference between ebooks in EPUB3 vs. ebooks in PDF. Therefore, the two following standards are relevant, when it comes to compliance of ebooks to EAA:
>   *   For ebooks in EPUB3: W3C EPUB Accessibility 1.1<EPUB%20Accessibility%201.1>
>   *   For ebooks in PDF: EN 301 549 v4.1.1 (coming)
> Here is a summary of the main differences between the two standards:
>   *   EPUB Accessibility is based on WCAG 2.0 A (as requirement), whereas EN 301 549 v4.1.1 will be based on WCAG 2.2 AA
>   *   EPUB Accessibility includes metadata for discoverability, but EN 301 549 not currently.
> A group of accessibility experts (including me) has met a couple of times to discuss this problem. The result of our discussions is attached as "Manifest on convergence of e-book accessibility standards".  We want a consolidation of standards for ebook accessibility, so that publishers do not need to make a difference between ebooks in EPUB3 and ebooks in PDF format.
> Can we discuss this in one of our upcoming meetings?
> Best regards,
> Gottfried
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Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Sunday, 5 May 2024 11:31:35 UTC