Re: Review of draft WoT WG Charter needed

Dear Michael, All:

My apologies for the slow response. On the other hand APA has conducted
a top to bottom review. More on that below.

To your specific question regarding the new WoT Charter we see no
particular need for additional language in the draft currently on
github. However, if additional language would help WoT keep
accessibility usefully focussed and prioritized, we're happy to indicate
our preference for github PR #50:

Our opinion is that this additional language only makes explicit what
has been a useful working relationship between our groups. We have no
objection to making this work and our relationship more explicit. If it
helps WoT recharter, let's absolutely go with this language.

for specifics of that. One possible item may be our item #2 below.

Now to the details ...

1.) s you'll recall from our joint meeting ahead of TPAC last, we're
very concerned that WoT standards support installation and configuration
of devices better. Critically, we'd like better support for fault
tolerance. The log of our conversation is here:

2.) To this end we've recently looked at Matter because it seemed it
could be the solution, or part of the solution. We'd like your views on
the role of Matter and Thread, especially as it relates to our concerns
for initial configuration support and for fault tolerance. Our last
logged discussion on this topic is logged here:

We'd like to understand better WoT (and W3C's) relation to the
Matter/Thread specifications, but also whether you believe they might
factor in addressing our configuration/tolerance concerns.

Should this question perhaps be more clearly visible in the new Charter?

3.) Beyond the above, we have the following comments in general on
accessibility in WoT specifications:

I will be happy to file any or all of this via github issues, but wanted
to check with you before doing so. I suspect not all of this is germane
to rechartering WoT, so that's another reason to communicate these
questions and conclusions with you first via email.



Matthew Atkinson writes:
> Hi Michael, Michael, WoT,
> Thanks for getting in touch, and sorry for the slow reply. We have been discussing your charter, and some questions we may have for you about our future work together, in our recent calls (we have some academics who work in this area in our group, and have been checking a couple of things with them first, to ensure we were on the right lines). We definitely want to work closely with your group in future. We'll place a more official comment to that effect on the GitHub thread very soon.
> Best regards,
> Matthew
> -- 
> Matthew Tylee Atkinson (he/him) 
> -- 
> Principal Accessibility Engineer 
> TPG Interactive 
> A Vispero Company 
> -- 
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> On 08/03/2023, 11:43, "Mccool, Michael" < <>> wrote:
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> Michael, 
> In case you overlooked the following, we would like someone from APA to review our discussion of collaboration in the draft WoT charter. Comments on the github issue would be best so our entire group can see them. 
> Thanks, 
> Michael McCool 
> From: Mccool, Michael 
> Sent: March 2, 2023 11:11 AM
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: RE: Review of draft WoT WG Charter needed 
> I should have included a link the issue where this is being discussed: 
> <> <> <;> 
> Responding directly on this issue would be convenient. 
> Michael 
> From: Mccool, Michael 
> Sent: March 2, 2023 10:58 AM
> To: <> < <>>
> Cc: <> < <>>
> Subject: Review of draft WoT WG Charter needed 
> Hello, 
> The Web of Things Working Group is working on drafting our next charter. As part of this we want to define the intent of collaboration with APA. Can you please review the text at <> <> <;> and let us know if it is appropriate or requires changes? 
> If you would rather have me create a github issue for this please point me at an appropriate repo. 
> Thanks, 
> Michael McCool 


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Friday, 10 March 2023 17:16:30 UTC