Re: Best Practices / Automaotive and Web Platform Business Group

Thanks for your diligence, Fredrik.

I don't know what effect the move to a stand-alone Legal Entity (LE) is
having on that Business Group. We will find out, but that'll take a few

If I had to guess, I'd say they have other priorities right now, if
indeed they're still active.

Assuming they're active I have no concern that we can refine the
relationship as seems judicious to do.

Let me aim for an update on the Wednesday call.



Fredrik Fischer writes:
> Hi all,
> While closing issues (since I want to avoid procrastination perpetuation per tracker freeze), I came across this old chestnut:
> It's the Best Practices document for the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group. My original action was to review the accessibility section of this document, which I did in 2021. Among other things, this resulted in us (Lionel?) getting in touch with the AWBG on different issues.
> I was just wondering how things stand right now. We had this up for discussion last year, but I don't think we really got to the bottom of it. They have an extremely ambitious section on a11y with lots of considerations (each point is rather terse wording-wise but do they have goals!) and there's nothing in there I don't agree with personally. Still, we should get some kind of feedback from them or establish some kind of relationship with them, since they explicitly name APA as a reference point. As I said, this has been discussed, but just to clear things up: where are we on this?
> Thanks and all the best for the weekend,
> Fredrik
> ______________________________________________
> Fredrik Fischer (he/him)
> Digital Accessibility Expert
> Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies
> Certified Web Accessibility Expert
> myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH
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> (Eingang über Dumbastraße 2)
> Handelsgericht Wien, FN 411924x­
> Mobile: +43 (660) 1132553
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Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Friday, 10 February 2023 16:42:36 UTC