Meeting minutes 8 February 2023

Hello everyone,

Here are the minutes from today's garrulous gathering: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference - 08 February 2023 (<>

All the best to one and all, and don't forget to complete your tracked issues in tracker before it freezes and your guilty conscience will be preserved for perpetuity until we are swallowed up by some language model or other,


Fredrik Fischer (he/him)
Digital Accessibility Expert
Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies
Certified Web Accessibility Expert
myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH
Kärntner Ring 12/2b, 1010 Wien
(Eingang über Dumbastraße 2)
Handelsgericht Wien, FN 411924x­
Mobile: +43 (660) 1132553
We are hiring! Hier geht es zu unseren aktuellen Jobangeboten.<>

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2023 16:29:49 UTC