Re: Rendering Verifiable Credentials @ RWoT11

On 7/18/22 6:45 AM, Janina Sajka wrote:
> I believe APA would like to help with this document, though we may be 
> severely challenged to provide comprehensive comments by 19 July inasmuch
> as today is 18 July! :)

Janina, don't worry -- the timeline is much further out than that. This is
just an announcement that we're going to be working on this over the next year
or so... and kicking off the work with the paper.

There is plenty of time to collaborate on this.

> So, do you need whatever we can achieve by tomorrow? Or some short 
> statement by tomorrow and more details at some future date soon?

Nothing for tomorrow, no need to engage immediately. Just on whatever timeline
works for APA -- this is not going to be finalized for a while.

> PS: For the record APA is very interested in seeing this technology 
> succeed. In fact we'd like to discuss ideas with the Verfiable Credentials
> group during TPAC--but let's elaborate on that after first establishing the
> requirements for tomorrow!

Yes, +1, I'm sure folks from the Verifiable Credentials WG and Credentials CG
would like to meet with APA at TPAC; I know I would.

This is just one of the topics for discussion, another topic could include
some sort of "Rendering Preferences Verifiable Credential" (to convey
brightness, color, font, motor, audio preferences).

We'll make time for those important conversations.

In the meantime, feel free to convey that we're looking for input from APA
over the next year on the topic of a11y and rendering of Verifiable
Credentials. We're looking to do the right thing for those with accessibility
needs over the long term.

... and for those of you unfamiliar with accessibility needs -- almost ALL of
us will have accessibility needs as we get older... our sight, hearing, and
motor skills rarely improve with age. What better time to work on solutions
for the older you than now. :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Monday, 18 July 2022 23:55:45 UTC