Payment Method API revision

Hello everyone:

So, I had a look at the Payment Request API specification to see how to correct Chapter 19, Accessibility Considerations.

I don't really know who this should be directed to specifically -- perhaps someone can direct me? Of course, any and all comments of any kind are very much appreciated by this hatchling in these respects. Anyway:

The Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group has reviewed the Payment Request API ( and would like to ask for revisions to Chapter 19 "Accessibility Considerations".

Although we appreciate the sentiments expressed in the brief passage, we feel they could be elaborated on. We therefore propose the following wording to replace the current one:

For the user-facing aspects of Payment Request API, implementations integrate with platform accessibility APIs via form controls and other input and output modalities. Furthermore, to increase the intelligibility of total, shipping addresses, and contact information, implementations format data according to system conventions. In order to guarantee maximum security, transparency, reliability and accessibility for the user, the user-facing aspects of Payment Method API implementations comply with the highest level of accessibility possible for the current accessibility standards as defined by the W3C including the WCAG in iterations later than 2.1 and all forthcoming relevant documents.

I know this is a very broad wording and I realise this can run into all manner of problems. However, I was aiming for as durable a wording as possible. Is it too vague? Is it to broad?

Thanks in advance for any input and see you tomorrow!

All the best,

Mag. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE

Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
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Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 19:38:46 UTC