Re: Agenda: APA Weekly Teleconference; Wednesday 20, January 17:00 UTC

Hello all,

You can find the minutes on the web at and they’re repeated below in text form for convenience.

Best regards,


  – DRAFT –
Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

20 January 2021

IRC log. <>


    becky, Ela, IanPouncey, Jonny_James, JPaton, Léonie (tink),
    Matthew_Atkinson, paul_grenier
    Amy Carney, Gottfried Zimmerman, Janina Sajka


1. Agenda Review & Announcements <#t01>
2. APA Rechartering Begins
    - <#t02>
3. Task Force Updates <#t03>
4. FAST Progress <#t04>
5. New Charters Review

6. new on TR <#t06>
7. CSS Checkin (Amy) <#t07>
8. Actions Checkin (Specs) <#t08>
9. Horizontal Review Issues Tracker

10. Other Business <#t10>

    Meeting minutes

      Agenda Review & Announcements

Becky: RQTF is having a joint meeting with Web of Things next wednesday
at 9am ET.



<MichaelC> Personalization demo repo <>

      APA Rechartering Begins


Becky: Some Personalization and Pronunciation info has been added.
Please review (before next week).

      Task Force Updates

Becky: Personalization didn't meet (public holiday); getting ready for CR.

Paul: Pronunciation: Making progress on draft towards FPWD. Seeking
partners/implementors to demonstrate the case. Need browsers' help to
provide the needed info in the accessibility tree.

      FAST Progress

      New Charters Review


<MichaelC> PROPOSED Pointer Events Working Group Charter

Michael: We should comment that IndieUI is closed

Becky & MIchael: Looks good to go.

Léonie: Will check with Patrick and confirm.

<MichaelC> PROPOSED Service Workers Working Group Charter

Michael & Becky: this seems like a low-level API. (We don't need to be
listed as a liaison.)

Becky: We'll get to review specs as they emerge.

      new on TR


Michael: There are some from Internationalization that we are aware of
and do not need to review.

<MichaelC> CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5

<MichaelC> Arabic and Persian Gap Analysis

<MichaelC> The Responsible Use of Spatial Data

Ian: We don't need to review CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5

Michael: Anything relevant in spatial data?

Becky: Could it be used to particularly identify a disability/assistive

Michael: There are existing sections on privacy/ethics that seem to
cover this. We know about beacons used as assistive tech; seem to be
covered by the above.

Becky: Sounds OK. [no objections from group]]

      CSS Checkin (Amy)


Becky: Amy sent regrets but posted to the list.

<becky> Box Model Module Level 3 (

<> appears to have no issues. There have
only been a few additions since CSS2:

<becky> Adapting the prose slightly to account for vertical writing modes.

<becky> Cross-linking to relevant concepts in [css-break-3] and

<becky> Defining the non-applicability of margin, padding and their
longhands to ruby base containers and ruby annotation containers(at risk).

<becky> Providing a centralized common definition of keywords that
reference the various box edges for use in properties defined outside
this spec (e.g. background-clip) to avoid repetition (and the resulting
inevitable synchronization errors).

Ian: Nothing APA-specific here.

      Actions Checkin (Specs)


<Zakim> tink, you wanted to update on the Pointer Events charter.

Léonie: Update, checked with Patrick and no APA-specific concerns in the
Pointer Events charter.

      Horizontal Review Issues Tracker


<MichaelC> Consider specifying heuristics for when <ul> represents a
list <>

Léonie: This arose due to changes in VoiceOver's heuristics that removed
list semantics in some circumstances (e.g. lists of one item). The
question is should this be standardized as a browser heuristic. It is a
relatively contentious issue. (Personal view: hearing there's a list of
one item is not damaging. This is not harmful like layout tables are.)

Michael: Should we keep this as an issue that APA is tracking?

Léonie: It's worth following. There isn't much public data on this yet.

Michael: By default, the next time we'll see this issue is when it's
concluded and proposed to be closed.

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group

A Vispero Company

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Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 17:38:56 UTC