Accessibility Review Request for CSS Box Model Level 3 [css-box-3]

Hi APA Working Group,

CSS WG requests Accessibility review of CSS Box Model Module Level 3

This specification describes the margin and padding properties, which create 
spacing in and around a CSS box, and defines a bunch of terminology.
Changes since CSS2 are summarized in
and basically consist of
   * updating the prose to account for vertical writing modes
   * defining a shared list of box-edge keywords for use in other properties

I think there's probably zero interesting things here for you, since it's 
really just a redrafting of a very basic piece of CSS2, but since we're 
planning to request a CR transition soon I am sending a formal review request. :)

Please raise any issues in the csswg GitHub repo:
and let us know when you have completed (or waived) your review.


Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2020 20:39:53 UTC